Conferences by Cécile WENDLING
As keynote speaker, I share views on the future of geopolitics, technologies, societies. Some examples below…
Total, The future of cybersecurity, Paris, January 2024
Keynote: What can we anticipate based on a literature review
Les indépendants à impact, AI and Corporate social responsability, February 2025
Keynote: How are companies dealing with AI in the CSR Team
Slack city tour, The future of work: human centered and agent based, Paris, December 2024
Keynote: Quel avenir pour l’IA au travail?
Sciences po Crisis Lab, Mobilisation citoyenne face aux risques majeurs, Paris, December 2024
Keynote: L’avenir de l’engagement face aux crises
Wake up, Un nouveau regard sur l’entreprise du futur, Paris, november 2024
Keynote : le travail du futur compte sur vous
Salesforce Agentforce World Tour, Human and AI agents, Paris, November 2024
Keynote: L’IA est-elle une menace pour l’emploi?
CIG Petite couronne, Journée rythme et temps de travail, Paris, November 2024
Keynote: La prospective, une méthode pour appréhender le futur du travail?
Mind 7, Prospective sur l’IA et futur du travail, Paris, November 2024
Keynote : Revue de la littérature prospective de l’année
IHEDN, The future of cybersecurity, october 2024
Keynote: A literature review of forecast and foresight reports
Animation des 16e universités d’été de l’ADGCF à Angoulême du 3 au 5 juillet 2024, France: La (R)évolution du rapport au travail
Moderator of the full conference
L’Oreal, Annual convention of ethics correspondents, international online conference in english
Keynote: Future of Ethics in business
20 ans du CFA des universités Centre Val de Loire, Orléans, France
Inaugural speech : In which world are we going to live tomorrow?
Réseau de Développement de l’Innovation Pays de la Loire (RDI), Nantes, France
Keynote: Prospective de l’innovation
Banque populaire Val de France, Tours, France
Keynote: Prospective d’un monde en mouvement
Adisseo, Le clecy, France
Keynote: Geopolitical outlook
Institut Diderot, Paris, France
Keynote: Future of AI in business and societies
Conference KPMG, Paris, France
Keynote: World mega trends and what it means for business and leaders
Conference BE CYBER, Brussel, Belgium
Keynote : The future of cybersecurity for individual and societies
Conference MAIRIE DE PARIS, Paris, France
Keynote : The future of work
Conference ENISA, Athens, Greece
Keynote : The future of cyber risks in 2030
Conférence Sciences po, Futurs pluriels, Paris, France
Keynote : Un monde multi-crises, quels enjeux pour les organisations ?
Conférence ENISA, Bruxelles, Belgium
Keynote: AI and Cybersecurity
Conference ENGAGE online
Keynote: Penser le monde de demain
Conference Big data Paris, France
Keynote: The future of AI
Conference Center for strategic future, Foresight conference, Singapore
Keynote: The future of work
Conference IAPP , Brussels, Belgium
Keynote: La portabilité des données au sein de l’Union Européenne
Conférence Géopolitique du risque, ENS Paris, France
Keynote : L’innovation responsable en intelligence artificielle
Conference Powering the Change, Adelaide, Australia
Keynote: Insuring the circular economy in a digital world / sustainable IT
Confernce insurtech AI, London, UK
Keynote: The future of insurance
Internet of Things & Data Protection Conference, Paris, France, AXA Research Fund
Keynote : Legal and ethical challenges: A European-American comparative approach
Mankind in 2037, Club Open Prospective, Orange, Chatillon, France
Keynote : La donnée personnelle dans le futur, une présentation fictive
SCOR Annual conference 2017, The art and science of risks, Paris, France
Keynote: The future of AI
Conference MyData 2016, Helsinki, Finland
Keynote : The future of data privacy
Digiworld summit 2016, Plenary sessions – Big Data and finance industry
Keynote : How data collection and usage can serve digital trust?
InsurTech Europe 2016, London, UK
Keynote: The future of insurance
MEF European Consumer Trust Summit, London, UK
Keynote: The future of data privacy and AI
Insurtech Rising, 2016, London, UK
Keynote: The future of Blockchain in insurance
Conference at the Social Science Environmental Health Institute at Northeastern University, Boston, United States of America
Keynote: The use of social sciences in environmental agencies
Conference at Aix Marseille School of Economics, Aix, France
Keynote: The future of big data in insurance and beyond
Colloque ANSES/Sciences po Paris sur l’usage des sciences sociales dans l’expertise risque, Paris, France
Keynote: The use of social sciences in risk assessment and risk management organisations
OECD High level risk forum, Paris, France
Keynote: The use of social media in risk and crisis communication
International research symposium “The UN & NATO forward from the joint declaration”, New York University and NATO defense college, New York, United States of America
Keynote: UN-NATO collaboration in times of crises: Could the comprehensive/integrative approach be a way to bring the two organizations together?
SGIR 7th Pan-European International Relations Conference (ECPR-ISA), Stockholm, Sweden
Keynote: The effects of managing the crisis in Afghanistan on the future of NATO
CIOR summer congress symposium, Stavanger, Norway
Keynote: The Use of the Comprehensive Approach in Afghanistan
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